Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is Technology taking over?

            When I was little I used to sit around the kitchen table and listen to stories from my grandpa about when he was growing up in the depression. He would talk about how he felt lucky that he lived on a farm and always had food and how the only thing he ever wanted was a bicycle.  After that I would listen to stories about how my dad had a so called party telephone like with his neighbor’s house. Up until now I always kind of dismissed those stories as just something that happened a long time ago but now I think that maybe technology is moving a little faster than anyone ever imagined.

             The technological advances in the last 100 years far exceed how far our species has come technologically in our previous recorded history.  I once watched a movie about how that in 2020 a computer will have more capabilities than a human mind. The movie also said By 2050 there will be a computer that has more capabilities than the human race. Another movie that I have watched for class brought up the point that “we have come so far with technology that unless we control it, it will destroy us.”(Future Shock).

            I completely agree with this claim that we need to control technology but I am not quite sure that if we don’t it will destroy us. One example of this is how far we have come in the field of medical technology.  Today we have artificial organs and organ transplants. This would have been completely un-heard of 300 years ago. “Today we are working on a machine that has the potential to cure cancer cells by destroying only the affected cells.”(John Kanzius).  I feel that people are afraid of things that they don’t understand and don’t have control over such as growing technology. If we create a super computer that has more capabilities than the entire human race we still have the ability to unplug it and it will become nothing more than a paper weight. Technology is a great thing but it is only an aid to something even better which can think independently, the human mind. Therefore I feel that the more technology the better if we use it to aid ourselves in making more advances for the human race.


Kanzius, John. The Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation . Epic Web Studios, 2010. Web. 24      Jan 2012. <The Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation >.

Wells,Orsen.FutureShock.1972.Video.YoutubeWeb.24Jan2012.<http://www.youtube.com/watcv         =6Ghzomm15yE>.


  1. I really agree with what you have said here. You have taken time to look at both why we would and would not prefer technology. I believe your best point is when you add that technology is for the better if it is serving as an aid to the human race, and that it does not take over the human race

  2. I like the comparison of both sides you've written here. There is definitely a lot to consider from all perspectives. Adding the personal story in the beginning was a great intro and really captures the readers' interest.

  3. I completely agree that technology should serve as an aid to the human race. In the end, we have the ability to control technology if it gets out of hand by unplugging it. That was very well stated.

  4. I absolutely agree that technology sure serve as an aid. The only thing I would say is that based on today's world, we aren't headed in the right direction. I do however agree that if it could be utilized as an aid or a tool, then the possibilites could be endless.
