Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Paper or Pixels?

When researching traditional media (online, ironically) I found several sources that predicted the downfall of traditional mass media. One source stated that the New York Times, considered one of the best newspapers across America, would eventually go out of “print”. Now, this doesn’t mean that they’re becoming less relevant, they’re just changing their tactics. Most newspapers have a website and soon it will be all that they have. Newspapers are seeing the trends and the fact that almost everyone has a computer these days. The same goes for books, cd’s, movies, television, etc. While this is true, it’s also true that there are people like myself who would prefer to hold a newspaper or a book rather than exhaust one’s eyes staring at the screen of a computer, cellphone, Kindle or Nook. We must remember that it was originally thought that radio, and then television would be the end of newspapers and all the while they’ve continued to thrive. I do however; think their time may be coming to a close. There will always be exceptions and people that want to maintain traditional media, but there will be just as many who are eager to move forward: their kindles tucked beneath their arms as they enter a bathroom stall or coffee shop. -Susanne Makosky http://mashable.com/2010/09/08/nytimes-print/

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