we discussed the short documentary “Future Shock,” based on the book by Alvin
Toffler, and whether or not, as the film implies, this leap into advancement is
a large step back for society. I would like to take this a step further, and
examine what kind of effect a radically new and different technology would have
on society now, specifically, artificial intelligence. Ignoring for the moment
whether it is possible, or practical, or requires far more knowledge than we
have today, would an AI be human? Would it be a person, distinct from human but
still equal, and what would their rights be?
these questions can be explored, a working definition of artificial
intelligence, for my purposes, needs to be established. In a sense, AIs are
already very much in existence – there are computers out there that can beat
the greatest chess players in history, for example, or that are capable of
recognizing changing conditions and adapting certain actions to fit those
conditions. However, in the mind of science, and of science fiction, much of
which is dedicated to examining similar possibilities, artificial intelligence
refers to a machine that is not only capable of “thinking,” but of a machine
that is sentient and self-aware, and at least as complex as the human brain. It
is for this reason that many writers turn to such devices as the ‘positronic
brain,’ which can be used to explain the things our technology is not yet
capable of.
would such a machine be considered human? Based on the anthropological
definition of humanity, which seems to be as close to perfect as any such
answer can be, then no, it would not. Though it may have the capacity to
interact on the level of a human, with all of humanity’s culture, quirks, and
foibles, it would remain biologically inhuman. This does not, however, mean
that it would not be a person. If, as John Pollock states, “we can construct an
accurate and complete computer model of rational architecture,” such as the
aforementioned positronic brain, “a computer running the resulting program will
thereby be a person” (Pollock 462). In other words, if we can create a complete
reconstruction of the process of thought, experience, and reason, whether
physically or electronically, then anything making use of such a technology
would be a person.
we can create a person, will they have rights like we do, those rights that are
protected by the U.N. and the U.S. Constitution, or, being our creations, will
they be no more than slave labor to us, as their distant ancestors are today?
Though our rational minds tell us that if they think like us, they should have
the same rights as us, our psyches tell us otherwise. This begins to address
some of the fears about artificial intelligence that are most common. If
artificial intelligences, which have the potential to be hundreds of times more
intelligent than man, are considered people, with all of the rights that go
along with that, how long until they become the dominant force on the planet?
intelligence and the ability to think does not equate to the ability to emote.
In an op-ed for the New York Times, Astro Teller writes about how revolutions
in science have caused human beings to lose their high and mighty place in the
world. In the past, “the Copernican revolution showed that Earth circles the
sun” and “the Darwinian revolution undermined” the belief that humans were
still the center of the physical world, metaphorically if not physically, and
that because of this, “A.I. threatens one of the last remaining things separating
us from the ‘lesser’ animals,” our mental superiority (Teller 1). This fear of
losing our superiority is, I believe, one of the reasons everyone professes to
fear the robot apocalypse. However, it is also my belief that without a
capacity for emotion, AI will never be able to compete with humans; as one of
the very few, if not the only, animals with the ability to feel not just the
basic emotion of fear, anger, and similar emotions, but the capacity for much
more complex emotions, such as compassion, hatred, love, and disgust, humans
remain on top. And without the ability to feel any anger at being, possibly,
lower than us ignorant humans, there would be little to no reason for an
artificial intelligence to be something that should indeed be feared.
Works Cited
Pollock, John.
"Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence." Philosophical
Perspectives 4 (1990): 461-98. JSTOR. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
Teller, Astro.
"Smart Machines, and Why We Fear Them." Editorial. New York
Times 21 Mar. 1998. School of Computer Science. Carnegie
Mellon University. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <>.
This is an interesting topic! I also find it interesting that Lisp, one of the earliest languages, was written with AI specifically in mind. Before most operating systems were developed, computers were already beating humans at chess.
ReplyDeleteBut I find it highly improbable that actual emotions could be recreated. At best, a machine could only discern what emotion a human would be likely to show in reaction to something, and show appropriate traits. AI as we know it by definition works by collecting data and making the most probable decision off of that data. Big Dog is an interesting example of this: It learns from terrain.
The disconnect between data and emotions remains great, yet it's an interesting topic, and something that's a great fuel for sci-fi. Recommend any good books on the topic?