Thursday, April 5, 2012

Technological Innovation: Necessity or Expectation?

     During one of our previous class discussions, I remember one of my classmates predicting that he/she believed that one day we would be able to directly link our brains to our communication devices. Well, we are one step closer. As if it straight out of a science fiction movie, Google has announced its development of augmented reality glasses. You have to check these out: 


     These glasses are the latest hands-free device, but they are certainly more than just your average Bluetooth headset. The glasses are equipped with smartphone-like capabilities. You can voice-command text, call, etc. The most intriguing aspect, however, I feel, is that it incorporates all of our communication needs into a wearable set of glasses that displays your information right in front of your eye. Of course, this may lead one to think, is this really necessary? We really are getting lazy, aren’t we? Can’t you just get your phone out of your pocket and do all that? Well, yes. But I also think it is important for entrepreneurs and businesses to explore. Innovation is what drives our country, and it is what our foundations are built upon. Who knows what this technology could lead to next, only time will tell. Until then, we are left only with the option of predicting the future… which, with technology, a lot of people like to do. That brings me to another point. When it comes to technological innovation, do you believe our drive for new technology is based on what is necessary, or what we expect to see? For example, something I think we can all agree on is that we can envision a future with flying cars. This is most likely because of TV shows like the Jetsons and other movies that implant these ideas into our heads. So of course, there are flying cars being developed:


What do you think drives our innovation?

Bilton, Nick. "Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses." The New York Times, April 4, 2012.

Hunter, Marnie. "Flying car production rolls forward." CNN.

iBrain Technologies

Imagine a device that allows one to communicate by merely thinking! And this device exists! Called the iBrain, this contraption, is currently in the works. The iBrain is part of the new generation of portable neural devices and algorithms intended to monitor and diagnose certain conditions like depression, autism and sleep apnea. This device was invented by a team of neuroscientists at NeuroVigil. The iBrain is an inexpensive alternative to those sleep labs that even require patients to stay overnight. The iBrain has the ability to collect data in real time, while the person is in their own bed, watching television, or doing any activity.  This is accomplished via waves of electrical brain signals that the device picks up. While the patient is performing an activity, changes occur with those with brain disorders that are picked up by the iBrain. The raw waves that pass through the brain are interpreted with an algorithm. The executive neuroscientist, Philip Low, stated: “The idea is to see if Stephen can use his mind to create a consistent and repeatable pattern that a computer can translate into, say, a word or letter or a command for a computer.”—referring to Stephen Hawking who suffers from Lou Gehrigs disease. A command was given to Dr. Hawkings and the algorithm was able to discern his thoughts as signals, which was represented as a series of spikes on a grid. After analyzing the grid, they noticed a change in the signal. Further research will be carried out that repeats this study in large populations that suffer from neurodegenerative diseases (1).
Soon, all the signals that the researchers obtain will be communicated through words. This will allow those patients that normally communicate with a yes or no answer or with a blink of the eye, the ability to send an email or turn off a light or even have a more meaningful conversation. All these things can be possible with further research. With this new technology we will be able to have conversations with those with neurodegenerative diseases, like Stephen Hawking, a famous physicist. Just imagine all the information he still has to share with the rest of the world!
Modern technology has had a positive influence on scientific research. We have been able to achieve great things; the quality of life has also been improved; many lives have been saved.  Technology has also helped to make our lives easier, especially in the medical field where we have the equipment to diagnose certain medical conditions.
(1)   Duncan, David. "A Little Device That’s Trying to Read Your Thoughts." New York TImes. 2 Apr. 2012. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. <>.

The Uncanny Valley

     As technology advances and animatronics improve, we find ourselves in a bit of a valley. An uncanny valley. It so happens that when humans attempt to recreate their image, a divide occurs between playfully similar and incredibly accurate. This is the reason we find zombies scary- they're us, just a little wrong. If you've ever seen a "cutting edge" robot or footage of one at a convention, you've seen the horror they can invoke in us. They look a little bit like this:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tackling Technology

Tackling Technology

I believe there is no question that technology has a large place in our society.  We depend on it so much for daily use and frankly would not be able to survive economically without it.  Times bring about change and technology helps us ease into these changes.  It helps us learn new things and accomplish tasks at a much more efficient rate.  However there are downsides to technology, as with everything that impacts society.  While we many rely on it too often sometimes and take it for granted technology globally connects us and makes the world seem like a smaller place.
If we think of technology from a military perspective its truly incredible what we have accomplished.  I feel that technology works best in areas that are open to accepting it.  If people want to use it they can find ways to further improve it.  In the military technology serves to help us more effectively ward off trouble from other countries.  It has found its place and done amazing things to help keep our country protected.
I believe we can say that technology has found its place of improving the lives of people in society.  We turn to technology to help extend our lives and to keep us healthy.  “Computerworld” author Ray Kurzweil says that by 2024 we'll be adding a year to our life expectancy with every year that passes (BusinessWeek). Without technology many people who had health issues would not be alive today.  Many medical breakthroughs have occurred with heavy reliance on technology.  Think about when a global disease spreads.  We are able with technology to quickly find treatments for these diseases as well as many other common ones.  Technology allows us to find problems with patients that we would have not been able to see without using things like tiny cameras to go in your body and body scans.  I believe that technologies place in society is permanent as long as it continues to serve people and come to our benefit.  Who knows how long we will be able to live, thanks to technology.

Gaudin, Sharon. "Nanotech May Extend Life, Futurist Says." Businessweek: n. pag. Web. 4 Apr. 2012. <

To Download, or Not to Download..

Illegal downloading of music and movies has become a huge issue in today’s society. Instead of buying an artist’s CD at the store or on iTunes, people are saving money by using torrent sites such as Limewire and Frostwire. However, it is illegal if you do not pay for a song or movie that has a copyright. The copyright law protects a product with a copyright, so it cannot be copied, reproduced, or resold without the artist’s permission.
Illegal downloading significantly hurts mass media industries. The amount of consumers who download music or movies but do not purchase them take away from an artist or producers monetary success. Downloading music also takes a hit on the economy. By purchasing a CD or DVD or song on iTunes, consumers put money into the economy. When people illegally download, they take away from the prospective money that could be going into the economy. Our nation and the international community are having economic problems. Addressing the downloading issue may help to stimulate the economy and pick it up out of our recession. The American government proposed the SOPA bill, which would expand the ability to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property.
The downside to addressing illegal downloading is that it hurts the individual consumer. People are always looking for the easiest, cheapest way to get what they want. There is a problem with creating laws against downloading, like SOPA, because the public is against laws that would hinder their individual financial standing even if it would help protect artists. I am still on the fence on whether such laws should be enacted because I, like many others, enjoy saving money, but feel that artists and producers should receive the credit and financial support that they deserve. 

Television VS. Online TV Shows

It's Tuesday night, and your favorite TV show is on, but you have a huge test to study for. Sadly, like the good student you are, you study for your test rather than watching your favorite TV show. I am sure this has happened to many of you, and if not for a test, other activities have prevented you from watching a television program you really wanted to see. Where do we turn to? The internet. More and more television series are appearing online. It is almost as if, why do we need television at all? As long as there is a link for it online that we can watch, we don't have to wait for a specific time at night to watch the show with all the commercials. Instead why not relax, and skip most of the commercials?

Words With Friends Saves Lives


           We all know that technology connects people. It gives us the ability to talk to people across the globe. But we think very little about how these connections can actually save lives. One very interesting story about people being connected across the globe is about a couple from Missouri and a couple from Australia.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fire and Water, or Firewater?

            In this week’s blog, I will be discussing a topic that is both still divisive among some and very applicable to our own IT111 class: technology in the classroom. I doubt I could find many who would argue that SMART Boards and projectors have had an adverse impact on learning. However, what about cell phones, Facebook, unfettered computer access, things that no teacher not too many years ago would have allowed in their class? In addition, how does the usefulness of technology vary by classroom? These are all important questions, for students as well as instructors.

Smartphones Can Make Us Healthy

          Technology can serve many purposes. It can be used for a variety of things, and it has helped the world advance in many ways in which we previously would have never thought possible. We are now able to do things that would not have been done many years ago. Technology is a very powerful tool, and can be a huge advantage when used the correct way. If we utilize the many opportunities technology provides us, we can then better ourselves. It just depends on the way we choose to use it.
          As we all know, smartphones are very relevant in the world today.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Technology changing the world 1 day a time.

            Do you remember life without texting? God knows that I don’t. Texting has become so ingrained in our lives that we live and die by texts. I know from personal experience that I spend more time texting my friends than I do actually spending time face to face with them.  Texting can be something that is fun and an easy way to communicate with people anywhere and everywhere around the world.

            Texting started out as a fast and easy way to communicate with people much like emailing or sending a letter but it was sent to your phone instead of your computer or your mail box. Texting has become a part of our common culture and culture in general.   Some people have become so infatuated with texting that they actually will text someone rather than go and see their friends.

            For those of you who don’t know about texting or have been under the preverbal technological rock texting is when you send text messages to another person via a cell phone. This form of quick communication is easy but it does come with some serious consequences. Often times people send texts and mean one thing but the person who is receiving the message will read it and interpret it another way completely. This is because the subtle nuances that are present in verbal communication such as voice inflection and facial and body language is missing. This can lead to many problems between two people who are communicating.    

            Another thing that I a growing concern about texting is that many people wonder if our society is losing the social ability to communicate face to face.  One example of this is if a boyfriend and girlfriend bread up over a text message. This happens more often than many people believe. This is concerning because how are people going to respond to confrontation if they hide behind text messaging instead of just confronting the opposing party face to face . Thusly I believe that texting is a good thing but needs to be put in to check in our now fast paced society.

"Something Old, Something New"

            Is old media being pushed further and further from our present and future by the use of new media? First, we should examine the definitions of old and new media. Old media is typically known as newspapers and television. New media refers to increased technology…blogs.
            Based on the Pew Research Center article, we can see that the shift is dependent upon specific issues. Older media sources tend to suffice topics such as Health & Medicine and Economy, but are largely lacking when it comes to Science, Technology, and Celebrity issues. A range of other issues have proved to be competent in either media source.
            The Post-Gazette article (published less than a year after the Pew article) describes the swiftly approaching change that is upon us in how we can are retrieving our news. Newsweek, although with much accolade provides weekly news highlights, simply cannot outdo fast, daily newsfeeds found on The Daily’s website.
            Although the popularity of the vast array of topics varies among old and new media sources, both provide us with the information—and that is key. Perhaps, also, the shift in requested information is due to a change of interests among generations. While some information may seem unappealing to many, it still remains necessary for those who are interested and for the general mental consumption among the general population.
            Much like our grandparents and elderly loved ones, old media is dwindling, and although it will never be obsolete, it will never have the gusto it once did. With changes times, and quickening need for knowledge, online forums are the only way to satisfy the public’s cry for information.

Sciullo, Maria. “On the Media: Old media vs. new -- Who wins?: Newsweek's subscriptions have fallen to 1.5 million. Murdoch predicts 15 million users for The Daily in its first year.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. March 13, 2011.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is Impersonal Communication Productive?

                Technology has brought forth a major shift in the way we communicate day to day.  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, EHarmony are just a few internet sites that make communication impersonal.  Come to think of it, Do you really even know who your friends are on Facebook or Twitter?  Do you have friends on social networks that you have never met in person?  If you answered no to these questions you are probably a victim of technology making communication impersonal.