Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Obsessed with Technology?

Technology has a profound impact on many children and teenagers lives as they grow up in a world that revolves around technology. But when does technology go from improving lives to taking over lives? This is one important question that was researched by South Coast Today in 2010.

Technology, also can impact people's lives daily in good ways, such as communicating with friends and family that are long distances away, providing us with information whether it is important daily news or a pointless fact, providing transportation from technology placed in cars, and providing live streams to your television when your favorite sporting event is on.  Technology is a great thing and makes not only things at home easier, but also in the work place.  But when does technology cross the line, especially for teens?

Many teenagers get caught up in technology to the point of losing focus on the important things in life such as school and family.  South Coast Today told a story of a 13 year old girl who was completely obsessed with her cell phone to the point where she would sometimes fall asleep in her school clothes clutching her phone.  Children age 8 to 18 devote around 7 hours and 38 minutes a day using some type of media technology.  Just think what 7 hours and 38 minutes of their day could be otherwise used for:  Exercise, Schoolwork, or even family bonding time. 

How we fix this problem is going through many people’s minds.  I feel technology could be used in schools and on at home school programs to help children to better learn their subjects and do their homework efficiently.  Homework could even be put into game mode, such as doing a math problem in order to play one round of a video game.  Learning and technology can be put together to further a child’s education and keep children interested and involved in learning.  Technology is a great thing as long as we use it correctly and give children the proper direction to also use technology to improve their learning and communicaation skills. 

Press, The Associated. "An Overdose of Technology? Some Teens Obsessed, Grades Suffer |" South Coast Today, 26 Jan. 2010. Web. 18 Jan. 2012.

Baxter, John. "The Good and the Bad Things About Technology." Yahoo! Voices - 7 Oct. 2009. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. <>.


  1. I really agree with this idea about using technology to help better our youths studdies. I feel that kids who are able to use technology for constructive purposes will get a jump start in world compared to kids who do not have this opprotunity. What do you think? Would it be good for there to be a minimum age in order for someone to get a cell phone like their is for driving and for drinking? I feel that kids who do nothing but text and use technology to talk to eachother are losing vital interpersonial skills that will help them in the long run.

  2. You make great points. If children are so obsessed with technology, instead of reprimanding them, just encourage more academic uses for iPhones and computers. Classes could be online with interactive "games" that also teach the children. The statistic of how much time is spend with technology is really eye opening. There are so many more positive things one can do with that time. This is really a pivotal time in technology, and children and teenagers are embracing it more and more, so schools should take advantage and start these kinds of programs.

  3. I agree with the fact that technology has its advantages. When I was abroad in England the best form of communication was via skype. It was so much better than a telephone call because it was cheaper and it allowed my family and I to read one another's body language.

    Getting back to the point you made about teenagers and their cell phone use, I feel like it is crazy for a thirteen year old to spend an average of 7 1/2 hours on some type of media technology! I think that kids should be able to use these technologies but focus more of its use toward educational purposes. Children and teenagers should also be spending more of their time doing other activities that will help build their social skills.
