Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Generation Gap

         For my parents and for my uncle, their experiences growing up differ from mine in many ways. With such a significant age difference between myself and them, the experience growing up was obviously not the same. One of the main reasons why their childhood experience differs from mine is the availability of technology.
          I interviewed mom, dad, and uncle. My dad is fifty-two years old, my mom is forty-six years old, and my uncle is sixty-four years old. I asked each of them the three following questions: what was life like growing up without computer technology readily available, what are your views on how technology has changed the world, and what are your thoughts about the current generation and their technology usage?
          All three agreed that it used to take way more effort to find information that they needed.  They all expressed how the things they wanted to know weren’t as quick or as easily accessible to get. Especially in regards to school work, it took a lot more work to find what they needed to be successful. Everything wasn’t at their fingertips; it wasn’t done for them.
        When asked what they thought about technology changing the world, the common response that they all mentioned at one point was that it has made the world faster and simpler. They all expressed the fact that things were easier; finding information wasn’t as much of a complicated task as it once was.  My uncle, being older than both of my parents, stated the fact that technology took away a lot of jobs away from people. His view wasn’t negative, but it wasn’t as positive as my mom’s, who stated that she thinks it is awesome how technology has changed the world. She likes the luxury of being able to contact with loved ones and friends so easily.
        Their thoughts in regards to the current generation and their technology usage were all similarly related. They all expressed some negative feeling toward the new generation and their technology usage. My mom stated that she feels that the current generation is at an advantage, but it can also be a distraction for them. My dad stated that he liked it better when technology wasn’t readily available. He believes it makes it too easy for kids today, and it took more productive thinking and educated the youth a lot more. My uncle thoughts were along those same lines. He feels that this generation is too reliant on computers, and doesn’t feel that they are as strong in other areas.
        This quote from a USA Today article sums up the idea of such a generation gap between young and old:
“Unlike their parents, they have never known anything but a world dominated by technology. Even their social lives revolve around the Web, iPods and cellphones. So they dress down, talk loose and reveal their innermost thoughts online (Jayson).
       There is no question that the young are affected in some way but the new rise of technology. The question is: is it a bad thing or a good thing?

Source: Jayson, Sharon. "Tech Creates a Bubble for Kids -" News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - Web. 01 Feb. 2012. <>.


  1. What do you think about life before technology? Do you think it's changing our generation for the better or for the worse? I definitely agree with your mom that it's much easier to communicate amongst families & friends, but it realize is a huge distraction. Who in your family do you agree with most?

  2. Kelsey I really liked your post. It had a lot of good information in it and I agree completely people have changed for sure duue to technology. I have one question do think that since were so in to technology that it helps or hurts our generation? Do you think that older generations had it better off or do you think that technology is a part of life so you mine as well embrase it? Overall great post!
