Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why Parents Shouldn't Text

            I conducted my interviews with my mother, father, and aunt. They all had very similar answers, due to the fact they all grew up in the same time and all dislike technology for the same reason, detachment. Please, do not judge my family based on their answers, they like to think they are funny.

            First, I talked to my dad. He is in his late 50s, and has never liked technology. He said growing up the only technology he used was his calculator, which "sometimes wasn’t needed because he can do math faster than it can." He purchased his first cell phone after he graduated college, but according to him it would be quicker running to the person’s house to have a conversation than try to set the monstrous thing up. He is making some technological advances, though. After having the same phone for 6 years, he just got his first iPhone. He has no idea how to use it, but he has come a long way.
            My mom had the most humorous interview. She is the kind that will break anything she touches. Computers will literally shut down when she walks by them. When I asked her about her opinion on modern technology she said she stays as far away from it as possible, and the only thing she will even try is text messaging, even though she still messes up the lingo. She says she doesn't doubt that her conversations could be on the "why parent's should't text" websites. She is kind of right, she still thinks “LOL” means lots of love.
            My aunt was the most positive out of everyone. She loves modern technology because she can look up the University of Texas sports scores very quickly. She gets updates after every game. She also loves how it opens up the lines of communication between people who live far from each other.
            The only common thing I saw between all of them was that there was such little technology when they were growing up. They all went to medical school, and they said that tests and labs took forever compared to today. Modern medical students are apparently “spoiled” with their modern technology. I can see where they are coming from because they had much more patience when there was slower technology. All of them also said kids use too much technology, and it takes away from family time. According to The Soc Journal, "Each generation for millennia has felt the effects of a different form of technology. 
Technology has become so essential to our society that there have been studies conducted on the effects it has on socialization and interaction between individuals" . These interviews were very interesting because sometimes I forget that modern technology wasn’t always around. When they were having advances, it seemed like the next great thing, when now, they really are obsolete advances. I do feel blessed to have grown up around so many technological advances. 

"Business, Technology, and a Life Without." The Socjournal. Socjournal, 10 Nov. 2011. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. <>.

Photo: <>


  1. I totally feel you on this mom has an automatic text signature, but it's not even a complete phrase. Also, it's kind of annoying that she thinks EVERY text has to be signed with her named, as if I don't already know who I'm receiving a message from. It's interesting to me that even though all three of your relatives went through college, they are so against the modernization of technology. I liked the way you linked and compared the responses from each of them, too.

  2. I understand where you are coming from with having very technologically-challenged parents. I'm surprised that your dad even bothered to get an iPhone if he doesn't see much of a point to technology. My dad has yet to even buy a computer or cell phone and my mom uses her cell and laptop sparingly. I'm also surprised that both of your parents went through medical school and are not more interested in technology. For some reason when I picture med students I picture people who are always connected, either on their phone or computer.

  3. I think it is interesting at the end when you mentioned that sometimes you have forgotten that modern technology wasn't always around. I can definitely at times find myself doing the same thing, which makes me curious as to how life was without the technology our generation is provided with, and how far-fetched that idea seems to our generation. I'm sure that none of us could picture our life without it, and I find also find it interesting to learn how our parents are adapting to a life with technology so relevant, where as before they had so little.
