Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog 10

To what point is technology too controlling? How can we effectively maintain technological progress while maintaining majority control? These are two questions that need to be answered with good certainty before we can build a bridge between the technology enthusiasts and the the “Eh, it’s just really not for me,” portion of the population.

Personally, I find myself somewhere in between the two. I enjoy technology, but hold a concern for its potential as well. For example, I’m sure everyone has seen the commercial about the cars who park themselves and now can apply the breaks before the driver can. I think this is an incredible mark in technology, and it shows our progressive advance to this point in time. However, I also believe that this is an example of technology possibly having too much control. It serves a great purpose, to better ensure the safety of automobiles, however it lacks reason. I’m not saying that we should stop this progress and research, but I am saying that we should be careful how much water we allow it to hold. This is not a typical outside source, however it caught my eye because it talks about how to control technology and not let it control you (

It might not be a practical problem with technology, however it is a possible problem. Maybe the more well rounded we can make our argument for technology, the more holes we fill in, the smaller the gap will get.

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