Tuesday, April 17, 2012

driving while texting is it as dangerious as people say?

            Growing up when I was younger I got a cell phone with texting on it.  As I grew older I became more and more dependent on texting as my primary source of communication with anyone and everyone. Texting is a very large and culturally addictive activity that we all embrace as what people do now days. But has anyone ever given any thought about how dangerous texting can be? Especially when it is behind the wheel of a car.

            Well the state government of Pennsylvania has decided that texting while driving is a very serious concern that needs to be addressed. “Pennsylvania's new law prohibiting text-based communication while driving will take effect at 12:01 a.m. on March 8, making texting while driving a primary offense carrying a $50 fine.”(your erie.com). Now many people feel very differently about texting while driving. Older people understand how dangerous it actually is and that you really don’t need to be in contact with your friends that much. People should be able to take a small break to drive where you need to go then text when you get there. On the other hand many young people who have grown up addicted to texting feel that they are a good enough texter to get away with it and remain safe. But for all those not believers out there this statistic might be able to show you that even though you might be a good texter and a good driver , if you put the two together it makes you bad at both. “In 2010, there were nearly 14,000 crashes in Pennsylvania where distracted driving played a role, with 68 people dying in those crashes”(your erie.com). So all and all texting which is a relatively new technology over the history of man has brought some great innovative and communication advancements but in the same respect it has a less talked about dangerous side that can cause much more harm than good. Everyone needs to ask themselves is it really worth dying to send you friend  : lolJ??




  1. It's crazy how something can truly effect our lives, whether positive or negative. In the istance of your blog, more negative. Texting while driving has become a huge issue! And it's an issue not just for students but for parents and other adults too. I hope that the number of texting and driving accidents will decrease because it is so dangerous, just like you said in the last line of your blog.

  2. It's definitely scary to think about how texting can affect the way you drive, and how much it can potentially distract you. I definitely think it was a very positive idea to ban texting while driving, it can save a lot of people's lives.
