Thursday, January 26, 2012

Future Shock Reaction

“We must begin to say 'no' to certain kinds of technology
and to begin to control technological change because we've now reached the
point that technology is so powerful and so rapid that it could destroy us
unless we control it.”

agree with this statement because it does seem like technology has more control
over us than we have over it. People can no longer function in their daily
lives without using a computer, cell phones or some sort of technology. Because
we are so reliant on our technology, it has control over us. We are willing to
sacrifice certain human rights for the ability to use technology. For example,
when you get on Facebook you have to agree to certain terms that restrict your
privacy. A Facebook user may not necessarily want their information to be
released to the internet, but in order to get Facebook the user must agree to
the terms. Most people are unwilling to give up Facebook, so they give up
privacy for technology. This is an example of how technology can have control
over us.
is a theory out there that I tend to agree with. This theory is Technological
Determinism. In “Wired: Why the future doesn’t need us,” Bill Joy discusses how
eventually artificial intelligence will get to the point where humans must
compete with it. “The experiences of the atomic scientists clearly show the
need to take personal responsibility, the danger that things will move too
fast, and the way in which a process can take a life of its own.” This idea of
technology taking over is one that has been portrayed in many science fiction
novels and films, but it may be true unless humans become less reliant on


  1. I really like your parallel with "Wired: Why the future doesn't need us". This is a very interesting article it seems. I also think it is very interesting that you relate to technology taking over in science fiction book. But the truth is, when is this going to become reality? In my opinion, I'm not really sure what people are afraid of in technology. I feel it can only help us grow as a society and even strengthen us if we use it to our advantage.

  2. I agree technology has become so ingraned in our soceity that we really can not survive without it. With that being said i feel that we need to make sure technology stats as something that aids us not controls us. People need to realize that technology helps us do things faster not that it does it for us.

  3. I completely agree with you. People have no idea how many of their rights are being given away just so they can post pictures and statuses. There is a fine line between technology reliance and technology addiction, and some people do not even realize where they stand on that scale. Your source is reliable and interesting, this was an enjoyable blog to read.

  4. I like everything you've said here. I also agree that we are allowing technology to control us. Thinking that one day technology will become so powerful that we will not be able to control its advancements or even serve any purpose is definitely something everyone should think about. I agree that people give away their rights of privacy away when using technology. I think some people don't even take the time or care enough to even notice that it is happening, some people are just so used to technology that they don't even think twice about it. I definitely enjoyed reading this blog and I can agree with all you've said here.

  5. I completely agree that we are beginning to allow technology to have more and more control in our every day lives. Your point about Facebook is spot on. In addition to the privacy policy I believe that a generation ago they would have spent a lot more time reading the fine print and not just giving up their privacy so quickly. This goes along with the fact that with new technology we live in a fast paced world and dont have the time to just sit down and read a novel sized text of policy agreements. I believe this is unfortunate and the problem will only begin to get worse as technology continues to change for years to come.

  6. I couldn't agree more about how reliant our society is on technology. Facebook is another great example of how technology has effected society. I also believe that our bad health and obesity problems as a nation are one type of effect from technology. Even when I was a kid, my mom would have to yell at me to come back inside. Today, it's far to easy to post up on the X-box and stay inside. I fear that the future could be far worse.
