Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Technology Takeover!

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. It seems like only yesterday I was listening to my cd player. And now we have iPods and iPads that not only let us listen to music but watch movies, check email, etc. Today it seems like these new advances are appearing at a ridiculously fast rate and our dependence on them is so great.

As of now, it seems like machines have the ability to takeover our lives. Some say that the human race will never be controlled by machines, but at this rate I feel like the human race might put themselves in a position where there is full dependence on these technologies. As machines become more and more intelligent, the reliance on these technologies will increase because the machine-made decisions will bring better results than the man-made results (Joy, 2004). A time will come when humans will be incapable of making certain decisions and therefore machines will be in control.
The part that scares me the most about the power of technology relates to the medical advancements that are developing. For example, can you imagine having the ability to create a human being from scratch? Pretty soon this will be possible! But think of how crazy that sounds. We have come so far with our rapid advances. My fascination is the ability to create an artificial womb in which an embryo can grow and develop outside the woman’s body. This has allowed woman who are unable to give birth the ability to have their own children, as well as gay couples (Naveen, 2007). However, many issues can be brought up relating to the right to ban abortion since the fetus will be able to survive outside the uterus of the mother, or the fact that the mother-child bond will be weakened (Naveen, 2007).
Don’t get me wrong, I do feel like the medical advances with the ability to prevent certain diseases or the ability to perform major organ transplants are great. But when it comes to cloning individuals or creating a live human being from scratch, I start to reconsider the line between a human and a robot. What will happen if robots took over the world?

Joy, Bill. "Wired 8.04: Why the Future Doesn't Need Us." Sun Microsystems, 2004. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <>.
Naveen. "Top 10 Artificial Technologies Ready To Create A Real Human Being - Science Ahead." Science Ahead: This Blog Is a Window to the Ever-happening World of 'science' The Blog, Complete with Information and Views, Introduces Amazing Developments in Arenas like Technology, Nanotechnology, Space, Gadgets, Robots, Communication, Architecture Etc. 23 Apr. 2007. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <>.

1 comment:

  1. I also fear that someday there will be no use for humans and that machines will take over the world. I think the fact that our solutions to problems always have to do with technology. And technology on top of technology has become the way of thinking these days. This means to truly have control over technology we must break away from this mindset.
